宫大庆 -k8凯发天生赢家





所属系 :信息管理系



        宫大庆,副教授,硕士生导师,清华大学经济管理学院博士后,美国加州大学伯克利分校访问学者。2018年6月至今在北京交通大学经济管理学院信息管理系工作,现任北京交通大学信息管理理论与技术国际研究中心(简称icir)执行主任,complex & intelligent systems、journal of coastal research等sci期刊的领域主编,ieee system journal、electronic market、international journal of simulation modelling、the computer journal、neural computing and applications、中国人口•资源与环境期刊审稿人,ieee liss/ieis国际学术会议出版主席。


在ieee transactions on intelligent transportation systems、international journal of production economics、transportation research part e-logistics and transportation review、electronic markets、building research & information、中国人口资源与环境,软科学,经济体制改革、系统工程等sci/cssci检索期刊,发表论文三十多篇。









1. 2018-06-28,至今,北京交通大学经济管理学院信息管理系,讲师

2. 2016-01-01,2018-06-01,清华大学经济管理学院,博士后

3. 2014-06-01,2014-12-01,美国加州大学伯克利分校,访问学者










序号 论文名称 第一作者 合作者 期刊名称 发表年月 期号
1 lbsn中基于加权异构信息网络的兴趣点推荐研究 康来松 刘世峰,宫大庆 系统工程 2020-12 6期
2 连续需求条件下的企业库存anylogic整合分析 冉昶 张真继, 宫大庆 经济体制改革 2016-11 6期
3 铁路货物运输保本距离分析及其粒子群算法 张汉坤 刘世峰, 宫大庆 铁道学报 2016-03 3期
4 信息条件差异对供应链协同管理的影响研究 宫大庆 刘世峰 软科学 2015-06 5期


序号 论文名称 第一作者 合作者 期刊名称 发表年月 期号
1 identifying abnormal riding behavior in urban rail transit: a survey on in-out in the same subway station g xue s liu, d gong ieee transactions on intelligent transportation systems 2020-11 1期
2 atp-densenet: a hybrid deep learning based gender identification of handwriting 薛刚 刘世峰, 宫大庆, 马翌草 neural computing and applications 2020-08 8期
3 optimal contract design with a common agency in last-mile logistics chu jun, long, 宫大庆 transportation research part e-logistics and transportation review 2020-07 1期
4 person anomaly detection-based videos surveillance system in urban integrated pipe gallery 康来松 刘世峰, 张汉坤, 宫大庆 building research & information 2020-06 5期
5 soft sensor with deep learning for functional region detection in urban environments 马翌草 刘世峰, 薛刚, 宫大庆 sensors 2020-06 12期
6 passenger travel patterns and behavior analysis of long-term staying in subway system by massive smart card data 薛刚 宫大庆, zhang, zhang, tai energies 2020-05 10期
7 who benefits from online financing? a sharing economy e-tailing platform perspective 宫大庆 刘世峰, jun, long international journal of production economics 2020-04
8 a personalized point-of-interest recommendation system for o2o commerce 康来松 刘世峰, 宫大庆, 汤敏聪 electronic markets 2020-03 3期
9 the effects of robots on the long-run economic growth liu ren, chu, 宫大庆 tehnicki vjesnik-technical gazette 2020-02 1期
10 multi-objective cluster intelligent algorithms for railway door-to-door transportation routing design 宫大庆 汤敏聪, 薛刚, 张汉坤, buchmeister ieee access 2019-12
11 environmental intelligent control of underground integrated pipe gallery based on equipment failure rate 薛刚 刘世峰, 宫大庆, 马翌草 ieee access 2019-10
12 integrated inventory-transportation problem in vendor-managed inventory system 滕岚 张真继, 李瀑, 宫大庆 ieee access 2019-10
13 preserving location privacy in spatial crowdsourcing under quality control xiang liu, 宫大庆, wang ieee access 2019-10
14 an improved multi-objective quantum-behaved particle swarm optimization for railway freight transportation routing design 张茜茜 刘世峰, 宫大庆, 张汉坤, 涂群 an improved multi-objective quantum-behaved particle swarm optimization for railway freight transportation routing design 2019-10 1期
15 solving the location problem for electric vehicle charging stations-a sharing charging model 宫大庆 汤敏聪, buchmeiste, 张汉坤 ieee access 2019-09
16 naive bayesian automatic classification of railway service complaint text based on eigenvalue extraction li, lf li, wx ; gong, dq tehnicki vjesnik-technical gazette 2019-06 3期
17 naive bayesian automatic classification of railway service complaint text based on eigenvalue extraction 李立峰 李文兴, 宫大庆 technical gazette 2019-06 3期
18 optimization decision on informal recycling channel of electric vechicle batteries and supervision strategy 郜红虎 刘世峰, 宫大庆, 曹光美 applied ecology and environmental research 2019-05 4期
19 a latent-dirichlet-allocation based extension for domain ontology of enterprise’s technological innovation qianqian zhang shifeng liu, daqing gong, qun tu international journal of computers communications & control 2019-03 1期
20 achieving sustainable transport through resource scheduling: a case study for electric vehicle charging stations gong, d tang, m, liu, s, xue, g, wang, l advances in production engineering & management 2019-02 1期
21 a latent-dirichlet-allocation based extension for domain ontology of enterprise’s technological innovation 张茜茜 刘世峰, 宫大庆, 涂群 international journal of computers communications & control 2019-02 1期
22 revenue sharing or profit sharing? an internet production perspective gong, d liu, s., tang, m., ren, l., liu, j advances in production engineering & management 2018-05 1期
23 revenue sharing or profit sharing? an internet production perspective 宫大庆 刘世峰, 汤敏聪, ren, j, x advances in production engineering & management 2018-03 1期
24 evaluation of soil suitability for cultivation based on back-propagation artificial neural network: the case of jiangxia district 冯卓彦 张真继, 张茜茜, 宫大庆 environmental engineering and management journal 2018-01 1期
25 optimization of incentive contract that leading enterprise participates in low-carbon agricultural development 盛希泰 张真继, 宫大庆, 郜红虎 environmental engineering and management journal 2018-01 1期
26 evaluation of soil suitability evaluation based on bp artificial neural network: the case of jiangxia district 冯卓彦 张真继, 张茜茜, 宫大庆 environmental engineering and management journal 2018-01 1期
27 reconsidering production coordination: a principal-agent theory based analysis gong, d tang, m. & liu, s advances in production engineering & management 2017-09 1期
28 finding key factors affecting the locations of electric vehicle charging stations: a simulation and anova approach tang m gong d., liu s., and lu x international journal of simulation modelling 2017-08 3期
29 data classification algorithm for data intensive computing environments tiedong chen shifeng liu , daqing gong and honghu gao eurasip journal on wireless communications and networking 2017-06 219期
30 applying multi-phase particle swarm optimization to solve bulk cargo port scheduling problem tang, m gong, d., liu, s. & zhang, h advances in production engineering and management 2016-07 4期
31 modelling the impacts of resource sharing on supply chain efficiency gong, d liu, s., lu, x. international journal of simulation modelling 2015-07 4期

序号 第一作者 合著者 专著名称 出版社 出版年月
1 宫大庆 刘世峰等 城市轨道交通运营企业内部对标评价体系研究 安徽科学技术出版社 2015-11


论文指导学生数     15

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